Making war on Medieval Unlimited can be a daunting process, but with this guide you will get an indepth understanding on how to make war and demolish your enemies!

There are many ways to attack a Kingdom:

Ransack and Invade are limited to Weekend Warfare events, giving players time to prepare to either attack, defend, or go passive with a Kingdom Shield.

What is Kingdoms Land Protection?

Kingdoms Land Protection determines what land can and cannot be invaded or ransacked and can be visualized in layers. If the chunk a player wants to invade or ransack is surrounded by other chunks, they cannot invade, forcing the attacker to start at the edge of the Kingdom's land and work their way inwards.

Land Protection Examples:

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Land that can be invaded.

Land that is protected.

The target of an invade or ransack.

The most effective way to invade or ransack a Kingdom is in a straight line towards your target, whether it is loot chests or the Nexus chunk. Think ahead of what obstacles you might face like walls or siege engines and choose the easiest path.

Land overclaimed in an invasion cannot be stolen permanentally. Kingdoms may hold onto the land until the end of the weekend, but must be unclaim and return it by Monday.